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Tema: The Streets of Barcelona

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  1. #1

    The Streets of Barcelona

    En el blog de Leica aparece Peter Turnley como fotógrafo patrocinado por la marca para dar cursos. Aunque no mecionan específicamente el de Barcelona aquí está.

    The Streets of Barcelona: Apr. 22nd–28th, 2012

    El precio del curso está en dólares $2295!!!

    Yo no tengo ninguna referencia de este fotógrafo, en su bio pone que es discípulo de HCB además de formación, como muchos de nosotros, que no está relacionada directamente con la fotografía. Su trabajo, el que veo en la web, tampoco me llama especialmente la atención.

    Me gustaría saber si alguno tiene opinión sobre este fotógrafo o si un curso de una semana impartido por él merece la pena. Así de primeras, creo que sin salir de España hay buenos fotógrafos que están dando buenos talleres y no se venden tan caros. ¿me equivoco?
    Última edición por Delfi R; 01-03-12 a las 15:24:36
    M9 + Cron 50mm

  2. #2
    Claro que en el blog de Leica no mencionan este curso. La condición necesaria para el curso es llevarse la DSLR, a ser posible dos cuerpos, zooms, etc. O sea, nada de Leica (a menos que sean Leicas R argénticas o Leicas S).

    Por lo del precio, son unos 1.700 euros, pero parece ser que este hombre ha alquilado lofts y espacios en la ciudad y el curso dura. No es barato; si contamos 7 días, son 250 euros diarios, bueno, carísimo. Depende de lo que ofrezca. A lo mejor es un auténtico crack y un curso con él puede cambiarle la vida a cualquiera. El tema es que además hay que pagarse el alojamiento y la comida, o sea que la broma va a salir por 2.500 a 3.000 euros de nada per cápita.

    Lo que no debe saber el Sr. Turnley es que va a tener la tremenda suerte de pillar el día de Sant Jordi, el 23, que es la fiesta del libro. Los que no sois de BCN seguramente también debeis saber que ese día la gente nos echamos a la calle a comprar libros opara leer y rosas para regalar a las mujeres queridas, desde la madre hasta la novia o pareja, y Barcelona se convierte en una fiesta alegre y bonita que hará las delicias de los fotógrafos del curso.

    Si tuviera el dinero de sobras, me apuntaría sin dudarlo.
    Saludos de Pixelman

  3. #3
    Si tuviera el dinero yo haría uno en Mayo con Thorsten Overgaard, al menos ese recomienda llevar una M

    También tenía planeado uno en Barcelona, sin contar con el hotel salía algo más barato (y más caro con el hotel)

  4. #4
    284 - The Streets of Barcelona


    “Moments of the Human Condition” provides rare glimpse into history’s iconic images

    Allendale, NJ (February 23, 2012) – Leica Camera, Inc. announces a new Leica Lecture Series titled “Moments of the Human Condition” featuring internationally acclaimed Photojournalist Peter Turnley. Offering a unique look into the life and work of one of the world’s preeminent photojournalists, this Leica Lecture Series is free to the public and includes stops in Austin, TX on April 18, 2012, Washington, D.C. in May 2012 and New York, NY in October 2012. Throughout the past three decades, Turnley has viewed history’s most critical events, much through the lens of a Leica: from the fall of the Berlin Wall and the 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe to the devastation at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001 and most recently, the turning point in the Egyptian Revolution. These lectures allow participants to not only view these iconic photographs but also hear the stories behind the images that have shaped our views of world history.

    “This intriguing series provides a rare glimpse into the mindset of an individual who experienced history as it was unfolding,” said Christian Erhardt, Vice President of Marketing at Leica Camera, Inc. “With these events, we hope to support local photographic communities with new and culturally significant programming while bringing the Leica experience to a new generation photographers. Peter Turnley’s work serves as an inspiration to all and demonstrates the magnitude of work that can be captured with a Leica camera.”

    “For me, photography is at its core all about sharing an expression of our feelings, perceptions and observations about the world around us,” added Turnley. “The camera is simply a tool in this process - what is most important is what we communicate. Yet, the tool we choose to use for our visual storytelling is like a close friend that helps us and accompanies us on our journey. My Leica rangefinder camera has been a life-long friend.”

    Acclaimed for his compassionate documentation of the realities of the human condition, Turnley draws poignant attention to the plight of people that deserve greater attention for their suffering of hardship or injustice. With his vision, Turnley also affirms the many aspects of* life that are beautiful, poetic, just and good. Having worked in over 90 countries, he has documented most major stories of international geo-political and historic significance that took place within the past 30 years and is renowned for his photographs of his adopted home Paris made with a Leica camera.

    Turnley’s photographs have been on the cover of Newsweek 43 times and are published frequently in the world’s most prestigious publications including Harper’s, Stern, Paris Match, Geo, LIFE, National Geographic, The London Sunday Times, VSD, Le Figaro, Le Monde and The New Yorker. Additionally, Turnley’s images have won numerous international awards including the Overseas Press Club Award for Best Photographic Reporting from Abroad, numerous awards and citations from World Press Photo and the University of Missouri’s Pictures of the Year competition.
    The lecture series is presented in conjunction with the Austin Center for Photography in Austin, TX and Parsons, The New School for Design in New York, NY.* Throughout each event, Leica Camera representatives will be on hand with the full Leica portfolio to discuss the tools Turnley utilized to capture history.

    For additional details and to register, please visit Please note that seating is limited and preregistration is recommended to guarantee admittance. More information about Turnley and his work is available at


  5. #5
    Si alguien ve a Pete Turnely por la calle con la troupe....

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